xsTECH Spindle Running in Reverse
If your router bit smokes when cutting, looses position in X, Y, or Z, especially on our Wave demo file, your spindle may be turning counter clockwise (CCW) instead of the proper rotation of clockwise (CW). You can test this by removing the spindle cover and with a 5000 RPM spindle speed, observe the rotation of the motor coupler as you open and close the cover. If the spindle is turning CCW, we'll need to flip the orientation of the three motor drive wires located on the spindle control board found in the underside of your router.

Power down and remove all the cables connected to the rear panel.
Lay the router on its back, and remove the plastic pieces to reveal the electronics
On the control board, there are three wires indicated by the green arrow. Using a small screw driver, loosen the three connectors and flip the cable orientation. In my example the black white red would flip to become red white black. Flipping any two of the three wires will accomplish a spindle direction reversal.