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Manual Tool Change with Dead ATC Board - 770MX


In the event your ATC board has died, and you are waiting for the arrival of a replacement board, this doesn’t mean your machine is down. You can still complete manual tool changes as a workaround.


  • Metric hex wench set


  1. Disconnect the air supply from the machine.

  2. Remove the solenoid cover on the left side of the ATC.

  3. Remove lines 1 and 2 as shown in the following image. Then, place line 1 where line 2 previously was.

    Rear of MX ATC

  4. The know to the left side of the brass pressure regulator (1 in the above image) may need to be closed to allow pressure to build.

  5. Press the silver manual actuation button (3 as shown in the following image) on the Power Drawbar solenoid. This should fire your power drawbar.

    Untitled picture.png

    Power Drawbar Solenoid Location

    MX ATC PDB Solenoid

  6. Reconnect the air supply to the machine.

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