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xsTECH Router Bill of Materials


Pictured and listed below is everything that comes along with your xsTECH Router.

Your xsTECH CNC Router Package includes:

  • 10.4 in. Touchscreen PathPilot Controller

  • Keyboard, Mouse, and Jog Shuttle input devices

  • WiFi Module

  • Electronic Tool Setter

  • ER11 Collets

  • 16 pcs. Carbide Cutting Tools

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Up-Cut End Mill: 2 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral Down-Cut Plunge End Mill: 4 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral Down-Cut Plunge End Mill: 4 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral Up-Cut Plunge End Mill: 4 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral Compression End Mill: 4 mm x 20 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral Down-Cut End Mill: 4 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral Ball Nose Up-Cut End Mill: 2 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Up-Cut End Mill: 4 mm x 25 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Down-Cut End Mill: 4 mm x 25 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Up-Cut End Mill: 4 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Straight Ball Nose End Mill: 4 mm x 25 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Tapered Ball Nose End Mill: 1 mm x 10 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Square End Mill: 4 mm x 6 mm x 4 mm x 50 mm

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Up-Cut End Mill: 4 mm x 8 mm x 4 mm x 30 mm

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Up-Cut End Mill: 4 mm x 6 mm x 4 mm x 40 mm

    • 1 - Spiral 'O' Flute Up-Cut End Mill: 2 mm x 6 mm x 4 mm x 40 mm

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