RapidTurn Installation
This document gives instructions on installing a RapidTurn.
Required Tools
This procedure requires the following tools. Collect them before you begin.
3/4 in. wrench
6 mm, 13 mm, 17 mm, and 19 mm wrench
8 mm hex wrench
Adjustable wrench
Dead-blow hammer
Machinist stone (or similar)
Tin snips
Install the Quick-Change Motor Connection Kit (PCNC Only)
The RapidTurn’s spindle motor is driven by the mill’s spindle motor variable frequency drive (VFD). The Quick-Change Motor Connection Kit (PN 35167) simplifies switching between PCNC mills and the RapidTurn. Refer to TD10370 for instructions on installation and use.
NOTE: The Quick-Change Motor Connection Kit is not required to use the RapidTurn with M/MX mills.
Program the VFD (1100M and PCNC 1100 Only)
If using RapidTurn with an 1100M or PCNC 1100 mill, a VFD Programming Stick Set (PN 37174) is required to correctly program the VFD for operation.
NOTE: Using RapidTurn with an 1100MX or any 770 mill does not require reprogramming of the VFD.
Identify VFD Programming Stick Set; two sticks are included:
PCNC 1100
IMPORTANT! Ensure mill is off before inserting RapidTurn VFD Programming Stick.
Power off the machine and the PathPilot controller.
Push in the machine's red Emergency Stop button, which removes power to motion control.
From the PathPilot interface, select Exit.
Turn the Main Disconnect switch to OFF on the side of the electrical cabinet.
Insert RapidTurn VFD Programming Stick into VFD with gold contacts on left as shown in the following image.

Figure 1: Inserting the programming stick into the VFD.
Leave RapidTurn VFD Programming Stick plugged into VFD during RapidTurn operation.
NOTE: To switch back to mill operation, follow the steps in this section using the included PCNC 1100 VFD Programming Stick.
Before You Begin
Power on the machine and the PathPilot controller.
Turn the Main Disconnect switch to ON on the side of the electrical cabinet.
Twist out the machine's red Emergency Stop button, which enables movement to the machine axes and the spindle.
Press the Reset button.
Bring the machine out of reset and reference it.
In the PathPilot interface, click Manual Tool Change on the Settings tab.
IMPORTANT! Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) cannot be used with Universal Spindle Arm installed on spindle nose. Do not operate mill equipped with an ATC before removing Universal Spindle Arm. Failure to do so could result in machine damage.Click Switch to RapidTurn. This closes mill’s PathPilot interface and opens RapidTurn’s PathPilot interface.

Figure 2: Switch to RapidTurn button on the Settings tab.
NOTE: The PathPilot machine configuration is listed on the bottom of the screen. Refer to this before operating to confirm correct configuration is selected.
Ensure machine table is free from obstructions.
On Main tab, click flashing Reset button.
WARNING! Motion Direction Hazard: Lathe axis orientation and motion direction differs from a PCNC mill. Do not operate RapidTurn before becoming familiar with controls. Failure to do so could result in death, serious injury, and/or machine damage.Reference mill by clicking REF X, followed by REF Y and REF Z.
Uncrate the RapidTurn
This procedure separates the RapidTurn motor from its base plate to facilitate lifting on to the machine table and installation.
Remove Chip Guard, Clamp Hardware (three flange nuts, three threaded studs, and three T-nuts), and Draw Tube from pallet; set aside.

Remove Spindle Speed Sensor Cable and Motor Cable packaging; cut cable ties.

Figure 4: RapidTurn cables.
Remove three thumbscrews securing Belt Guard to RapidTurn; remove Belt Guard and set all aside.

Figure 5: Belt guard.
Using a 13 mm wrench, remove two M8 flange nuts securing Motor Bracket to RapidTurn; set aside.

Figure 6: Flange nuts on motor bracket.
Spindle belt slackens when M8 flange nuts are removed; remove belt and set aside.
Slide motor sideways off of two Motor Mount Studs; set aside.

Figure 7: Motor mount studs.
NOTE: Motor Bracket hooks around top Motor Mount Stud and slides on to bottom Motor Mount Stud.
Using an adjustable wrench, loosen and remove three hex head bolts securing RapidTurn Base Plate to shipping pallet; discard. Clamp Hardware is used in place of hex head bolts to secure RapidTurn to machine table.

Figure 8: Hex head bolt on the base plate.
NOTE: One hex head bolt is on front of Base Plate; two others are underneath RapidTurn headstock.
Lift up RapidTurn base plate to identify Eccentric Alignment Pin and Fixed Alignment Pin. The rear (fixed) pin does not move; the forward (eccentric) pin rotates to bring RapidTurn’s headstock into alignment with mill’s X-axis. For more information, refer to "Align the Headstock".

Figure 9: Underside of the RapidTurn base plate.
Tuck Spindle Speed Sensor Cable under headstock prior to RapidTurn placement on mill.
Install the Headstock
Using machinist’s stone or similar, lightly stone surface of machine table to remove burrs.
IMPORTANT! Presence of burrs may mar or misalign the RapidTurn.
NOTE: If intending to leave RapidTurn on machine table for an extended period of time, lightly oil the machine table prior to RapidTurn placement on mill.
Identify Clamp Hardware set aside earlier; remove flange nut from each threaded stud and set aside.
Jog Z-axis to move machine table as far to right of operator as possible.
Slide one threaded stud and T-nut assembly into machine table’s center T-slot; position approximately 4” to right of Mill Spindle centerline.

Figure 10: Table moved to the right of the operator.
Slide two threaded stud and T-nut assemblies into T-slots; position 6” behind front threaded stud and T-nut assembly.
IMPORTANT! Ensure RapidTurn’s two alignment pins are positioned to rest in the center T-slot in line with front threaded stud. Failure to do so could result in machine damage.Carefully lift RapidTurn headstock over threaded studs and lower onto machine table.

Figure 11: Placing the RapidTurn on the machine table.
Thread three flange nuts set aside earlier onto exposed ends of three threaded studs on machine table until finger-tight.
Align the Headstock
This procedure aligns the RapidTurn headstock with the X-axis of the mill by adjusting the Eccentric Alignment Pin.
Using a 17 mm wrench, loosen the flange nut on Clamp Hardware that secures the Eccentric Alignment Pin to the base plate.
Using a 6 mm wrench, adjust Eccentric Alignment Pin until RapidTurn headstock is visually aligned with T-slots on machine table.

Figure 12: Adjusting the eccentric pin.
Attach magnetic dial indicator to spindle nose; position indicator tip at edge of Headstock Face furthest away from mill column.

Figure 13: Magnetic dial indicator positioned on the headstock.
Slowly jog Y-axis to sweep indicator tip across Headstock Face.
After reaching opposite side of Headstock Face, make note of reading on dial indicator; divide that figure in half.
Using a 6 mm wrench, slowly adjust Eccentric Alignment Pin until reading on dial indicator reflects figure determined in step 5. Repeat steps 5-6 until reading on dial indicator does not move.
Using a 3/4” wrench, carefully tighten down flange nuts on Clamp Hardware. To ensure headstock has not moved during this process, slowly jog Y-axis to sweep indicator tip across Headstock Face. If necessary, loosen flange nuts slightly and adjust Eccentric Alignment Pin. Repeat this step until reading on dial indicator does not move.
Using a 17 mm wrench, carefully tighten down flange nut on Eccentric Alignment Pin. To ensure headstock has not moved during this process, slowly jog Y-axis to sweep indicator tip across Headstock Face. If necessary, loosen flange nut slightly and adjust Eccentric Alignment Pin. Repeat this step until reading on dial indicator does not move.
Reinstall the RapidTurn Motor
Reattach RapidTurn motor onto two motor mount studs; using an adjustable wrench, attach two M8 flange nuts set aside earlier.
NOTE: Do not completely tighten flange nuts at this time.
Reinstall spindle belt to bottom pair of pulleys (low speed range); tension spindle belt by lifting motor upward while tightening down two M8 flange nuts.

Figure 14: Reinstalling the motor belt.
Using three thumbscrews set aside earlier, reinstall Belt Guard to RapidTurn.
Install and Align the Tool Post
Tools for the RapidTurn are secured to the mill’s spindle nose using the Universal Spindle Arm Kit (PN 31891), which mounts a 0XA size Reverse Action Quick Change Tool Post (PN 31050). A Tool Post Stabilizer (PN 35690) is used to hold tool post steady. An optional Spindle Alignment Clamp (PN 31892) is available for use with the Universal Spindle Arm to allow quick indexing for repeatable positioning.
Universal Spindle Arm Kit (PN 31891)
Reverse Action Quick Change Tool Post (PN 31050)
Tool Post Stabilizer (PN 35690)
Spindle Alignment Clamp (PN 31892)
IMPORTANT! Ensure ATC is disabled in PathPilot interface before installing tool post. For more information, refer to "Before You Begin".
In order to correctly orient the tool relative to the workpiece, the tool post must be aligned so that the base of the Universal Spindle Arm is parallel to the RapidTurn’s Z-axis and the faces of the tool holders are parallel to the RapidTurn’s X-axis.

Figure 15: RapidTurn axes.
Reset and reference mill, ensuring RapidTurn’s PathPilot interface is selected.
After ensuring mill’s spindle nose is clean and free of debris, slide Universal Spindle Arm onto mill’s spindle nose; position with socket head cap screw to the right of operator and front face visually aligned with machine table T-slots.
Using an 8 mm hex wrench, loosely secure one M10 x 30 mm socket head cap screw (included) to Universal Spindle Arm; do not tighten down completely.

Figure 16: Installing the universal spindle arm.
Attach magnetic dial indicator to machine table; position indicator tip so that it may be swept along front face of Universal Spindle Arm.

Figure 17: Magnetic dial indicator positioned on the universal spindle arm.
Slowly jog Z-axis to sweep indicator tip back-and-forth across front face of Universal Spindle Arm. Reading on dial indicator should not move.
If necessary, use a dead-blow hammer to tap Universal Spindle Arm into alignment. Repeat steps 5-6 until reading on dial indicator does not move.

Figure 18: Tapping universal spindle arm into alignment.
Using an 8 mm hex wrench, carefully tighten down Universal Spindle Arm’s M10 x 30 mm socket head cap screw.
Identify Reverse Action Quick Change Tool Post (PN 31050); screw Tool Post Stud into Universal Spindle Arm and tighten.

Figure 19: Assembling the reverse-action quick change tool post.
Slide Tool Post over Tool Post Stud and position so that top edge of Tool Post is visually squared up with top edge of Universal Spindle Arm; attach Retaining Nut to Tool Post Stud and tighten until finger-tight.
Screw knob into Tool Post Handle; screw Tool Post Handle into tool post and tighten until finger-tight.

Figure 20: Tool post handle installed.
Slide Tool Holder on to tool post; tighten Tool Post Handle to secure tool holder in place.
Reset and reference mill, ensuring RapidTurn’s PathPilot interface is selected.
Attach magnetic dial indicator to machine table as shown in, positioning indicator tip to be swept along vertical surface of tool holder pocket.

Figure 21: Magnetic dial indicator positioned on the tool post.
Slowly jog X-axis to sweep indicator tip back-and-forth across vertical surface of tool holder pocket. Reading on dial indicator should not move.

Figure 22: Magnetic dial indicator sweeping the vertical surface of the tool holder pocket.
If necessary, use a dead-blow hammer to tap Tool Holder into alignment. Repeat steps 14-15 until reading on dial indicator does not move.
Using a 14 mm wrench, carefully tighten down Retaining Nut to Tool Post Stud.
Identify Tool Post Stabilizer (PN 35690); press Tool Post Stabilizer Block flush against Tool Post on right side of operator; secure with one M6 x 22 mm socket head cap screw (included).

Figure 23: Installing the tool post stabilizer block.
Ensure that pin on top of Tool Post Stabilizer Block is firmly seated against upper surface of Universal Spindle Arm.

Figure 24: Correct positioning against the universal spindle arm.
Make the Cable Connections
Power off the machine and the PathPilot controller.
Push in the machine's red Emergency Stop button, which removes power to motion control.
From the PathPilot interface, select Exit.
Turn the Main Disconnect switch to OFF on the side of the electrical cabinet.
Connect the RapidTurn as follows:
Plug Motor Cable into Quick Change Motor Connection Kit’s quick disconnect junction box; screw down threaded connector
Plug Spindle Speed Sensor Cable into mill’s Accessory port

Figure 25: RapidTurn cables.
Install the Chip Guard
WARNING! Ejection Hazard: Tooling, fixtures, workpieces, or other loose items could become dangerous projectiles; ensure all components are appropriately secured. Do not operate with chip guard removed. Failure to do so could result in death and/or serious injury.
Before performing any turning operations, ensure chip guard is securely installed.
Loosen two thumbscrews on RapidTurn headstock.
Orient Chip Guard with two slots in line with two thumbscrews on RapidTurn headstock; slide through groove on base plate.

Figure 26: Chip guard installed.
Tighten down two thumbscrews on RapidTurn headstock.
Looking for more information?
This is a section of the RapidTurn operator's manual. To view the whole manual, go to Tormach document UM10393.
If you have additional questions, we can help. Create a support ticket with Tormach Technical Support at tormach.com/how-to-submit-a-support-ticket for guidance on how to proceed.